

Here's what to look for if you want to work or are already working in the Czech Republic. We'll explain how the Labor Office can help you find a job and when you are entitled to unemployment benefits. Find tips on where to look for work.


Can I work without permission or do I need to get a permit? 

Some groups of foreigners can work in the Czech Republic without specific permission – we say that they have free access to the labor market. However, some have to get a special permit to work.

Important: If you have been granted temporary protection, you can work in the Czech Republic without having to apply for a work permit. With temporary protection, you can find employment in the Czech Republic on your own with any employer who is looking for new staff. You do not need to apply for any employment authorization – your employer will simply report your arrival to the relevant regional office of the Labour Office.

Holders of temporary protection cannot apply for an employment card (long-term residence permit for employment purposes).


If you have a sufferance visa, you must contact the Labor Office branch to apply for a work permit.

Asylum seekers cannot work in the Czech Republic for the first 6 months, after which they can work without a permit - they have free access to the labor market, similar to temporary protection holders. 


Who can help me find a job?

NGOs and integration centers can help you with your job search, writing your CV and cover letter, and checking your employment contract. So you don't have to rely on any paid intermediaries!


If you have temporary protection, you are entitled to job search assistance and financial support from the Labor Office, which will help you:

  • find a job,
  • enroll Czech language courses
  • retrain for a profession that is in demand by employers

You can apply for inclusion in the register of interested job-seekers (if you need help finding a new job or are afraid of losing your current job – without financial assistance) or for entering the register of job-seekers at a branch of the Labor Office of the Czech Republic depending on where you live.


You can register as a job-seeker if you do not have a job (or are working in a limited capacity, meaning that your monthly earnings do not exceed half the minimum wage) and you want the Job Center to help you find suitable job. At the same time, you can apply for financial assistance – unemployment benefits. However, the condition is that you have been working (or running a business) for at least 12 months in the Czech Republic or in a country with which the Czech Republic has a bilateral agreement (such as Ukraine) in the last 2 years before you were registered as a job-seeker. 


You should be aware that personal care of children, preparing a disabled person for work, receiving a disability pension for third-degree disability, etc. can also be considered work. Check with the Job Center or the free advice service for details. 


Forms for application can be found on the following links: 


Tip: Are you about to fill in the form and submit your application? Save your time and apply online. 


Where to look for a job? 

Here is an overview of the most common job search sites in the Czech Republic: 










Employment contract or agreement? 

In the Czech Republic, you can work under a contract of employment or so-called agreements (agreement on work activity and work performance), which can also be used for employment. 

Important: To be legally employed, a written employment contract or agreement as mentioned above is necessary, which you and your employer must sign before you start work!

Tip: For more information, read the articles on employment contracts and agreements outside the employment relationship and employees' rights.