In this article you will learn:

- how to get the ambulance service
- where to go if you have a sudden health problem or accident

Ambulance service

In a serious threat to health or life (severe injury, impaired consciousness, breathing,
poisoning, allergies, etc.), call the emergency number 112. This is a universal pan-European
number to call the ambulance, fire brigade, or police. You can call this line from any phone
without a SIM card or credit. Operators also speak foreign languages and you can call from
places where there is no signal.

Important: Everyone has a legal duty to provide and summon help in the event of a threat to
the health or life of others.


you have a sudden health problem (e.g. high temperature, intense earache or injury, toothache) that is not life-threatening and your doctor is not available, you can go to a specialized medical center called an
emergency room. The emergency room also serves children.

The emergency room operates outside normal doctor's working hours - in the evenings or on
weekends and public holidays. It is located in selected hospitals or healthcare facilities.
Everyone has to pay a regulatory fee of CZK 90, which is not covered by health insurance.

Important: Unless it is a serious case and you are unable to get to the emergency room on
your own (e.g. by public transport or taxi), do not call the ambulance service.

Sources of information: