In this article, we will introduce so-called agreements for work performed outside employment, which are additional possible forms of contracts you can work within the Czech Republic:


DPČ - Agreement on Job Activities

DPP - Agreement on Work Performance


These agreements have similar requirements to an employment relationship based on an employment contract, but they also have some differences. They regulate the relationship between the employee and the employer, but it is not an employment relationship, and you can terminate it without stating a reason. You can work under these agreements to a lesser extent than in the case of an employment contract.


The Agreement on Job Activities is concluded for regular activities, while the Agreement on Work Performance is more suitable for one-time activities (e.g., occasional assistance or temporary jobs).


The Agreement on Job Activities (often abbreviated as "DPČ")


The Agreement on Job Activities is limited in its scope. The work you perform must not exceed an average of 20 hours per week for one employer.

It must also be concluded in writing and must at least contain information on:


- Type of work

- Duration of the agreement (fixed-term or indefinite)

- Hourly wage for the work performed


Your employer deducts 15% tax from your earnings. If you earn a maximum of CZK 3,999 per month, your employer does not deduct health insurance or social security contributions on your behalf. These contributions are deducted only if your remuneration exceeds CZK 4,000. In all cases, however, your employer must report you to the Czech Social Security Administration.


By law, you do not have the right to vacation, but you can agree on it with your employer and include it in the written agreement. Similarly, you do not have the right to overtime pay, night work or work on public holidays, breaks during work, or severance pay.


The agreement can be terminated for any reason, both by the employer and the employee. If you want to terminate the Agreement on Job Activities, you must submit a written notice. The notice period is 15 days and starts running from the day the notice is delivered to the other party.


Agreement on Work Performance (abbreviated as "DPP")


The Agreement on Work Performance is intended for work within a maximum of 300 hours per calendar year for one employer.


It must be concluded in writing and must include:

- Type of work

- Duration of the agreement (fixed-term or indefinite)

- Hourly wage for the work performed


Your employer deducts 15% tax from your earnings. If your remuneration is lower than CZK 10,000 per month, your employer does not deduct health insurance or social security contributions on your behalf. These contributions are deducted only if your remuneration exceeds CZK 10,000 per month. In all cases, however, your employer must report you to the Czech Social Security Administration.


You also do not have the right to vacation, overtime pay, night work or work on public holidays, breaks during work, or severance pay.


The Agreement on Work Performance ends automatically when you complete the agreed task, work the number of hours specified in the agreement, or work 300 hours for one employer within the calendar year. The agreement can be terminated for any reason, both by the employer and the employee.


If you want to terminate the Agreement on Work Performance, you must submit a written notice. The notice period is 15 days and starts running from the day the notice is delivered to the other party.


If you have more questions about employment, you can contact:

- free Refugee Info info line +420 480 021 004, where you can obtain information in the Ukrainian language,

- free information line of the Labor Office: 950 180 100, where you can obtain information in the Ukrainian language,

-write to