Here you will learn what a registered partnership is, who can enter into it, under what conditions, and where.


A registered partnership is a permanent union of two individuals of the same sex who enter into a partnership by mutual agreement. The agreement is understood as a consensual, voluntary, and complete expression of free will. Registered partnership is similar to marriage but with several differences.


Rights and Responsibilities

Registered partners have equal rights and responsibilities within the partnership, and decisions regarding matters of the partnership are made jointly by both partners. A partner is authorized to represent the other partner in their everyday affairs. Both partners have a mutual duty to support each other. If a child of one of the partners resides in the shared household, the other partner has the right and obligation to participate in the upbringing of the child. Unlike in marriage, registered partners do not establish a community property, only a form of shared ownership called "podílové spoluvlastnictví" where each partner has a precisely defined share. They have the right to access information about their partner's health status (e.g. if the partner is in the hospital). In inheritance proceedings, registered partners inherit from each other by law, just like spouses.


Where to Make the Declaration

The declaration is made before an official at the registry office. A list of registering registry offices can be found on the website of the Ministry of the Interior: [].

Conditions for Entering into a Registered Partnership

At least one of the individuals entering into a registered partnership must be a citizen of the Czech Republic. Both partners must be at least 18 years old and must not be currently married or in a registered partnership in another country. If a person wishing to enter into a partnership does not speak or understand Czech, the presence of an interpreter is necessary during the declaration. The interpreter also signs the protocol. The presence of witnesses is not required.

Required Documents


1. If you are registered as a permanent resident in the Czech Republic:

- Birth certificate

- Proof of citizenship

- Extract data from the population register regarding the place of permanent residence

- Extract from the population register regarding personal status

- Final court decision on the dissolution of a partnership or a death certificate of a deceased partner

- Completed partnership questionnaire, available at the registering registry offices

2. If you are not registered as a permanent resident in the Czech Republic:

- Birth certificate, passport

- Proof of citizenship (e.g., passport)

- Document proving the legal capacity to enter into a partnership, if issued by a foreign country (not older than 6 months)

- Document regarding marital status and residence, if issued by a foreign country

- In case you have previously entered into a marriage or registered partnership, an eventual death certificate, divorce decree, or court decision on the dissolution of the previous partnership

- Confirmation of the right to stay in the territory of the Czech Republic issued by the Czech Foreign Police (not older than 7 days) - applicable to third-country nationals (non-EU and non-Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein citizens) 

- Completed partnership questionnaire, available at the registering registry offices

If you have been granted asylum or subsidiary protection, the registry office may waive the requirement to provide certain documents that would be difficult to obtain.

Fees for Registering a Partnership

The fees depend on whether you or your partner have permanent residence in the Czech Republic:

- If both partners have permanent residence in the Czech Republic: 1000 CZK

- If neither partner has permanent residence in the Czech Republic: 3000 CZK

- If only one partner has permanent residence in the Czech Republic: 2000 CZK

Conditions for Dissolving a Registered Partnership

One of the partners may file a proposal to dissolve the partnership if the partnership no longer exists in practice. If the other partner joins the proposal, the court will decide on the dissolution of the partnership without examining whether the partnership still exists. The proposal is submitted to the district court, and the court fee is 2000 CZK.

Sources of Information

Website of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic:

Website of the Czech Police:

Portal of Public Administration: