Are you staying in the Czech Republic under temporary protection? Here's what the Lex Ukraine V (effective from July 1, 2023) brings:


Humanitarian Allowance:


From July 1, the amount and calculation method of the humanitarian allowance will change.


Categories of refugees with temporary protection in the Czech Republic are now separated into two groups: vulnerable and non-vulnerable.


The amount of the allowance will take into account all income and potential savings. Similar to benefits for Czech citizens, the calculation will be based on the subsistence and living minimum.


Amount of the Allowance



Allowance for:

1.–  5. month

(since giving temporary protection)

From 6. month *

  An adult


4 860 Kč

3 130 Kč

An adult person with disability

7 290 Kč


An adult person classified as a vulnerable


4 860 Kč

An adult person classified as a vulnerable with a disability


7 290 Kč

A child

3 490 Kč

3 490 Kč

A child with a disability

5 235

5 235 Kč

A child from 6 to 10 years old

4 188 Kč

4 188 Kč



During the first 150 days (which is around 5 months), you will receive a humanitarian allowance that covers your basic needs. After this period, if you don't actively try to find a way to support yourself financially and you're not considered vulnerable (someone who faces significant obstacles to work), the allowance will be reduced to the minimum amount needed to cover your basic living expenses.



The following are considered vulnerable:


- Children under 18 years of age

- Students aged 19-26

- People caring for children under 6 years of age

- Pregnant women

- People over 65 years of age

- People with disabilities

- People caring for individuals with disabilities


Together with the humanitarian allowance, you may also recieve financial support for housing costs , known as "countable housing costs." If you do not have housing expenses, for example, if you are staying in emergency housing without paying rent, the countable housing costs do not apply to you.


Countable Housing Costs


Two types of housing will be distinguished: properties designated for permanent residence "in the registry" and apartments "outside the registry and shared households."


The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs will keep a record of apartments designated for people with temporary protection. Only apartments can be registered in this record (not dormitories or similar types of accommodation). The owner of the apartment is responsible for registration (details at The apartmetns listed in this registry are given priority in terms of eligibility for financial support related to housing. This means that if you are living in one of these registered apartments, higher amounts of housing costs will be taken into account when determining the financial assistance you may receive.


Please note that countable housing costs are expenses determined by legal regulations and are used for calculating the humanitarian allowance. They do not necessarily reflect actual housing costs.


It is important to have a legal agreement in place for occupying the housing (usually a rental agreement). The amount of rent is determined through mutual agreement between the owner and tenant (you). It is not regulated by law. The final amount of the humanitarian allowance is calculated by summing up the benefits received by household members and countable housing costs. From this sum, household income is deducted to determine the allowance amount.



Eligible housing costs

Apartments in the registry

Apartments not in the registry and shared households

1 person

3 000 Kč

2 400 Kč

2 people

6 000 Kč

4 800 Kč

3 people

9 000 Kč

7 200 Kč

4 people

12 000 Kč

9 600 Kč

5 and more people

15 000 Kč

12 000 Kč



Emergency Accommodation


Only individuals that are classified as vulnerable are entitled to free accommodation. Individuals who do not fall into the category of vulnerable people are eligible for free accommodation only for the first 150 days after being granted temporary protection.


After 150 days, non-vulnerable individuals lose the entitlement to free accommodation. Individuals who continue to reside in emergency accommodation beyond the 150-day period are entitled to an increase in the humanitarian allowance with a housing supplement.


Don't forget that you are oblidged to:

- Report any changes to your information (registered address, name or surname change, travel document, or marital status) to the Ministry of the Interior within 3 working days. Failure to comply with this obligation may result in a fine.

- Carry your identification document (passport) and health insurance card with you. Failure to comply with this obligation may result in a fine.

- If you have successfully registered and reserved a date for extending your temporary protection, your temporary protection is extended until September 30, 2023. Remember to personally visit the designated Ministry of the Interior office on the scheduled date for the extension sticker to be affixed. If everything is in order, you will be issued a visa sticker, and your temporary protection will be extended until March 31, 2024.


Traveling with granted temporary protection


With a valid temporary protection visa and travel passport, you can travel within the Schengen area and to Ukraine. Temporary protection does not entitle you to stay outside the Schengen area, so always check the entry requirements for the country you are traveling to.


Always carry a valid travel passport with you. Verify the entry requirements for the country you are traveling to or transiting through.


Traveling for an extended period does not terminate your temporary protection, but trips longer than 10 working days may have an impact on other aspects of your stay in the Czech Republic. Your entitlement to state-provided humanitarian accommodation, humanitarian benefits, or your child's school placement may be affected.


If you are leaving for an extended period, notify the following:


- Your child's school

- Your accommodation provider (if you are utilizing the state-provided humanitarian accommodation system)


For longer trips, it is advisable to contact your health insurance provider.


Important contacts:


Refugee Info Czechia

General residence information regarding temporary protection will be provided to you on the Refugee Info Czechia helpline at the phone number +420 480 021 004.

Ministry of interior

General residence information regarding temporary protection will be provided to you on the official helpline of the Ministry of the Interior at the phone number +420 974 801 802.

Krajské asistenční centrum pomoci Ukrajině

The Ministry of the Interior has established workplaces exclusively for providing assistance to Ukrainians.

Integration centers

A network of workplaces focused on assisting foreigners with issues related to life in the Czech Republic has been established. The assistance provided by integration centers is free of charge, including legal assistance.

Labor office

The labor offices are responsible for providing assistance in finding employment, collecting applications for social benefits, and disbursing them.

Usefull contacts