In this article, you will learn who is considered a person with disabilities in the Czech Republic and what advantages and rights these individuals coming from Ukraine have, along with how to secure health insurance. You will also find contact information for free assistance and advice.

Rights of Persons with Disabilities

In the Czech Republic, there is a so-called anti-discrimination law that protects the rights of persons with disabilities and prevents discrimination based on disability. The law mandates providing equal access to all services and opportunities, including education and employment, for individuals with  disabilities. Employers are required to adapt the work environment and conditions to enable persons with disabilities to have full employment. Service providers, including public institutions and private companies, are obligated to make their services accessible to individuals with disabilities, including providing information in suitable formats. Persons with disabilities have the right to equal opportunities, respect for their dignity, and full and effective participation in society.

Who Is Considered a Person with Disabilities

Under Czech law, there is no uniform definition of a person with disabilities. These individuals are entitled to various benefits (such as public transportation discounts, priority seating on public transport, etc.) based on a disability certificate in the Czech Republic, which is labeled as ZTP (disabled) or ZTP/P (disabled with an attendant). Disability certificates are not currently issued to newcomers from Ukraine.

For employment purposes, persons with disabilities are physical individuals recognized as disabled by the social security authority, holding ZTP or ZTP/P certificates, or those who are health-impaired. A health-impaired person is someone who can work but needs the work environment, working hours, and other work conditions to be adjusted to their long-term, at least one-year health condition. Individuals with health impairments can seek advice at any branch of the labor office.

Higher Humanitarian Allowance for Persons with Disabilities

In your case, it is important to be recognized as a person with disabilities for the amount of humanitarian allowance granted by the Czech Labor Office. If you hold a disability certificate from Ukraine or consider yourself a person with disabilities but do not hold such a certificate, you will need an assessment. You can apply for an assessment using a form to determine if you are a person with disabilities. The assessment is valid only for the increased humanitarian allowance. The health status will be assessed as of the date of application. The application must be submitted electronically and in Czech. Attach Czech medical reports that can be used to assess your health condition.

Health Insurance

Please note that only for the first 150 days after arriving in the Czech Republic, the state covers your health insurance. You need to report to the health insurance company how you will cover your insurance after this period. If you want the state to continue covering your health insurance as a person with disabilities, you must register with the labor office as a job seeker. If your health condition prevents you from visiting the labor office in person, you can also submit your application electronically.

Long-Term Care Benefit

The long-term care benefit is a sickness insurance benefit you can apply for if you care for a person who requires long-term care or a person in an incurable condition. Only those who are paying sickness insurance (employees or entrepreneurs) can claim the benefit, provided other conditions are met, for a maximum of 90 calendar days. Entrepreneurs are entitled to the long-term care benefit only if they have been participating in sickness insurance for at least three months immediately preceding the commencement of long-term care. While receiving the long-term care benefit, you are not allowed to conduct business or be employed.

Information, Assistance, and Counseling

Amiga, z.s. is a non-governmental non-profit organization that provides free assistance to newcomers from Ukraine. Regular meetings with a psychologist are held, and a child psychologist for children with special needs is also available.

DUMKA provides psychological support. Online support is available for those who cannot attend in person.

On the website, you can find contacts for various organizations that offer assistance - Assistance to Persons with Disabilities Coming from Ukraine to the Czech Republic.

National Council of Persons with Disabilities

Umbrella organization: National Council of Persons with Disabilities in the Czech Republic, z.s. provides counseling for people with disabilities from Ukraine, primarily in the fields of social security, medical aid, etc. Interpretation services are required.

Information about their services can be found here.

Leaflet for persons from Ukraine: in Czech, in Ukrainian.

Public Defender of Rights - Accessible to anyone whose rights are violated by the state

Information Sources:
Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs - - Assistance to Persons with Disabilities Coming from Ukraine to the Czech
National Council of Persons with Disabilities in the Czech Republic, z.s. -
The form and information leaflet can be found on the website of the Czech Social Security
Public Defender of Rights