In this article, you will learn where you can turn for free assistance if you need help with various matters. This is particularly useful if you need legal advice regarding your legal residence in the Czech Republic, your rights and obligations, or if you need assistance in finding employment, housing, or a school for your child. Additionally, we will provide you with contacts for free support and interpretation services for various institutions, such as hospitals, libraries, and government offices.


Regional Assistance Centers for Aid to Ukraine (KACPU)


Regional Assistance Centers for Aid to Ukraine (KACPU) have been established to register Ukrainian citizens coming to the Czech Republic due to the armed conflict in Ukraine. The coordination of these centers is managed by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. KACPU operates in all regions of the Czech Republic and provides assistance in submitting applications for temporary protection and arranging accommodation for individuals who do not have their own housing.


The centers provide:


1. Registration of Ukrainian citizens with the immigration police.

2. Processing of temporary protection applications.

3. Assistance with resolving further stay-related matters in the Czech Republic, including basic advice.


Contacts for KACPU can be found here.


Centers for the Support of Migrants' Integration (CPIC)


In the Czech Republic, you can find Centers for the Support of Migrants' Integration in every region. These centers assist newcomers with adaptation and integration, offering a wide range of free services. They also provide interpretation services and services in various languages.


Activities for clients include:


1. Social counseling (e.g., assistance with finding housing, employment, schools, kindergartens, or leisure activities for children, doctors, recognition of professional qualifications, help with drafting a professional CV, assistance in dealing with authorities, and more).

2. Legal counseling (e.g., questions related to your residence in the Czech Republic, family relationships, employment, unpaid wages, employment contracts, lease agreements, debts, and business).

3. Psychosocial counseling.

4. Czech language courses.

5. Interpretation services.

6. Sociocultural courses on various topics (e.g., pregnancy and childbirth in the Czech Republic, filing tax returns, etc.).

7. Operation of an internet workspace and library.

8. Community workers (assistance, interpretation, and other support).

9. Educational, cultural, and social events.


Contacts for CPIC can be found here.


Non-Governmental Non-Profit Organizations (NGOs)


In addition to CPIC, there are numerous non-governmental non-profit organizations in the Czech Republic that support civil society in various areas, including the integration of migrants. These organizations may receive support through projects funded by the state or the European Union. NGOs offer a wide range of services for migrants, either for free or at a low cost. These organizations employ qualified professionals who provide you with up-to-date and accurate information while respecting your confidentiality. Like CPIC, they may offer social, legal, and psychosocial counseling, Czech language courses, and various educational and professional courses for adults and children. You can also participate in their cultural and community activities and meet new people. Each organization provides different services and activities, so it's advisable to thoroughly explore their websites and social media profiles.


You can find a list of non-governmental non-profit organizations here.

You can find a list of non-governmental non-profit organizations in Prague here

You can find a list of intercultural workers (interpreters and escorts) in Prague here




Information Sources:

- Centers for the Support of Migrants' Integration (CPIC)


- Ministry of the Interior

- Metropole všech