We bring you an overview of websites where you can find useful information and support options for your life in the Czech Republic:

Official Web Portal for Foreigners Living or Wanting to Live in the Czech Republic (FRS) - the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic's website offers comprehensive and verified information for Ukrainian citizens regarding residence in the Czech Republic and information on temporary protection.

Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Coming from Ukraine to the Czech Republic - a list of organizations to contact.

nasiukrajinci.cz - a nationwide directory of assistance for Ukrainians in the Czech Republic.

Help Ukraine - a platform for offering and seeking assistance created by a consortium of non-governmental organizations.

Support Ukraine - a directory with links to verified financial and material collections and other information.

Portal UA - a website with various information for the Ukrainian community.


If you are located in Prague, then these web portals might be useful for you: 

Metropole vsech Web Portal - a directory of contacts in Prague and information for foreigners living in Prague.

Center for Subsequent Support for Ukrainian Refugees (CNPUU) - assistance with finding housing, healthcare, education, and income.

Help for Ukraine - Prague City - important and up-to-date information on helping refugees and the city's activities."