Here, you'll learn about your rights as a parent if you are caring for a child under 3 years of age within the framework of parental leave and how to apply for a parental allowance. Both the mother and father of the child can receive the parental allowance, but it's always one parent based on mutual agreement. You'll find guidance on the process and the conditions you need to meet to claim it.


Parental Leave


Parental leave is an approved absence from work that can be taken until the child is 3 years old (as of 31.12.2023, parental leave can be taken until the child is 4 years old). You need to request it from your employer, bit keep in mind it can be claimed by either parent, so it's up to you to decide who will take it.  (Read more in the Maternity and Paternity Rights as an Employee article)

Your employer is obliged to reserve your job during your absence. If you wish to stay at home with your child after they turn 3, you can request unpaid leave from your employer, but your employer is not obligated to grant your request unless there's no alternative care available for your child older than 3 years.


How to apply


Before your maternity leave ends, submit a written request to your employer for parental leave. There are no specific requirements for the form of the request. In your application, specify the expected duration of your leave. If you don't specify, it is assumed to last until the child turns three years old.


Parental Allowance


You can receive a parental allowance if you have been granted international protection. Temporary protection holders are not eligible for this benefit.

The parental allowance is meant for one of the parents who provides proper and full-time care for the child up to the age of 4 (in case you have multiple children, you receive the allowance for the youngest child). Both the mother and father can take turns, but the father must be listed on the child's birth certificate.


Amount and Disbursement of Parental Allowance


  • The total amount of the parental allowance is the same for everyone and amounts to 300,000 CZK (450,000 CZK for twins or multiples).
  • You can receive the parental allowance until your child reaches 4 years of age.
  • You can plan your parental allowance by choosing the monthly amount and the duration of the benefit, provided you meet certain conditions (especially income requirements).
  • Every three months, you can change your plan.
  • You receive the allowance for the youngest child. If you receive the allowance for your first child and have another child, the allowance for the first child is terminated (even if you haven't exhausted the full amount), and you start receiving the allowance for the second child.


Starting in 2024, the parental allowance will increase to 350,000 CZK for one child and 525,000 CZK for twins or multiples. The duration of parental allowance will be shortened from the current four years to three years. These changes apply to children born from January 1, 2024.


Conditions for Receiving Parental Allowance


To be eligible for the allowance, you must personally provide full-time care for the child. This condition is considered met even if a child under 2 years attends daycare or kindergarten for up to 92 hours per month. If you work or are self-employed, you must arrange alternative care for your child. There are no attendance restrictions for children older than two in preschool facilities.


How to Apply

You have two options to apply for benefits:

1. You can go in person to your labor office based on your place of residence,

2. You can also apply online.

You should submit your application after your maternity allowance or sickness allowance period ends due to pregnancy and childbirth.

If you didn't claim either allowance before, or if the amount you'd get is lower than what you're entitled to for parental allowance, you can ask for the remaining amount to be paid during your maternity leave.


Required Documents

  •  Your child's birth certificate,
  • Proof of residence in the Czech Republic (international protection), and residential information.
  • If you, as the mother, did not receive maternity allowance (or if you use the father's income for allowance calculation), provide confirmation from the Czech Social Security Administration (ČSSZ) regarding your income.


Information Sources:


Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MPSV) - [Parental Allowance Request](


Labor Office - [Parental Allowance](, [Apply for Parental Allowance Online](


Center for the Support of Migrant Integration - [Social Security for Foreign Mothers](