This article briefly explains how the social security system works in the Czech Republic, what benefits it offers, who is eligible for them and how to apply.

The social security system is a state program of protection and support for people in difficult situations. It offers financial support and social services.

The social security system consists of:

  • Social insurance – to support individuals that face challenges like sickness, disability, old age;
  • Social support benefits – financial support for families (child benefit, parental benefit), housing benefit, maternity benefit, funeral support, foster care support;
  • Social assistance – a service that offers various help and support to people who find themselves in difficult situations.

Social insurance:

Social insurance is like a savings plan for everyone who lives and works in the Czech Republic, including foreigners. It's there to help when you can't work due to things like illness, old age, or taking care of a family member.


If you have a job, it is good to know your employer pays the insurance for you. If you are self-employed, you are obliged to pay it yourself.


If you are self-employed, you are obliged to transfer insurance money for retirement insurance, contribution for state employment policy and sick leave insurance to an account of a relevant District Social Security Administration – this depends on the permanent address (or the address of the stay) of the self-employed person. You are obliged to pay deposit each month.


You can find relevant information in the CSSA ePortal.


Social support:

This kind of support is meant to help you in specific situations, like when you have a child, need a place to live, or have a funeral to arrange. These benefits are based on your income (if your income is lower than the ‘living minimum’) or specific circumstances.

These are:

  • maternity benefits,
  • child benefits,
  • parental benefits,
  • housing benefits,
  • funeral support, and
  • foster care support.


Holders of international protection have access to this support under the same conditions as Czech citizens, so if you have temporary protection status or another form of protection, you can be supported through this system.

The benefits are paid by the Labour Office, and Department of State Social Assistance.


Who is eligible for social support benefits? (support for families)

  • a citizen of the Czech Republic or a person who is a resident of the Czech Republic (non-Czech citizen),
  • an EU citizen to whom directly apply the regulations of European Economic Community,
  • a non-Czech citizen who is reported to stay in the Czech Republic, namely after 365 days from the day of reporting their stay; (with the exception of applicants for international protection who are housed in a housing centre of the Home Office)
  • a non-Czech citizen who is less than 1 year old, born in the Czech Republic and reported to stay in the Czech Republic (with the exception of applicants for international protection who are housed in a housing centre of the Home Office);
  • a minor non-Czech citizen in a foster care system in the Czech Republic,
  • a non-Czech citizen who is a holder of a long-term stay permit with admitted legal status of long-term resident in the European Economic Community in a different EU state, who has been given the right to a long-term stay in the Czech Republic,
  • family members of a non-Czech citizen, who is the holder of a long-term stay permit with admitted legal status of long-term resident in the European Economic Community in a different EU state, who has been given the right to a long-term stay in the Czech Republic,
  • a non-Czech citizen who holds a long-term stay permit in the Czech Republic for a purpose of scientific research,
  • a non-Czech citizen who has been given an additional security,
  • a non-Czech citizen who has been given a long-term stay permit in the Czech Republic for the purpose of employment demanding high qualifications,

namely if she/he/they have a residence in the Czech Republic.

The requests for the social support benefits are submitted to the Regional Branch of the Labour Office of the Czech Republic according to the residence of the entitled to the benefit.

The addresses of the Regional Branches of the Labour Office of the Czech Republic can be found at

The forms are unfortunately in Czech but you can also apply in person at the chosen Regional Branch of the Labour Office of the Czech Republic.

You can apply either ONLINE, in person at your local Labour Office, by post to your local Labour Office, by email to your local Labour Office (with verified e-signature), or by datová schránka (a Czech electronic service for communicating with state institutions). The application forms are available at


Social assistance:

This help is meant to support you if your rights are threatened or when you are in material or social distress, which means that you are facing something that threatens your well-being and quality of life (such as economic difficulties, social isolation, discrimination, or other social and relational issues).

The help includes:

  • social counselling,
  • social and legal protection,
  • the provision of social services or
  • the payment of social assistance benefits.

Non-profit organisations that focus on social services are part of this network too.

There are also social care benefits – financial assistance to people dependent on the care of another person or to people with disabilities., and they are paid by the Labour Office.

Who is eligible for social care benefits? (support for people with disabilities)

  • A person who has permanent residence in the Czech Republic
  • A person who has been given international protection
  • A person without permanent residence in the Czech Republic, who has been given this right by an international treaty that is part of the legal order
  • An EU citizen who is reported to stay in the Czech Republic for longer than 3 months
  • A family member of an EU citizen who is reported to stay in the Czech Republic for longer than 3 months
  • A person who holds the permanent residence permit with admitted legal status of a long-term resident in the European Economic Community on a different EU territory, if he/she/they are reported to a long-term stay in the Czech Republic and if he/she/they have residence in the Czech Republic

Social care benefits include:

  • Financial support for mobility
  • Financial support for any additional tool
  • An identification card of a person with disability, which offers certain benefits as well

You can apply in any Labour Office across the Czech Repulic.


If you need assistance with accessing the information you need, the Association for Integration and Migration offers free legal and social counselling. You can find the information here:

You can also access information about the social services in English through here.