In this guide to Nostrification of Diplomas in the Czech Republic, you'll discover:

- How to apply for recognition of your foreign education

- Required documents, including superlegalization and apostille

- Who decides on your nostrification application

- Special cases like international protection and bilateral agreements

- Practical instructions for submitting your application

- Contact details for further assistance


What is nostrification?

Nostrification is a process that recognizes foreign higher education as equivalent to that obtained in the Czech Republic. This means that if you have graduated from a university abroad and want your education to be recognised in the Czech Republic, you have to go through this process.


How does nostrification work?


You must submit an application for recognition to the relevant public higher education institution in the Czech Republic. Often these forms/applications can be found on the website of the relevant institutions. If you have studied military or security fields, you apply to the Ministry of Defence or the Ministry of the Interior.

Documents, you will attach to the application:

- The original or an officially certified copy of the diploma

- Original or officially certified copy of the Diploma Supplement with information about your studies (so-called "Diploma Supplement")

- If you are represented by another person, you must attach their power of attorney

- If you have changed the name, attach an official document of the change (e.g. marriage certificate)

Document verification: Your documents may be required for higher verification (super legalization or Apostille) depending on the country where you studied.

  • Superlegalization is a detailed process to verify foreign documents such as diplomas and diploma supplements for them to be recognized in the Czech Republic. It involves checking signatures and stamps by the issuing country's authority, then by their Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and finally by the Czech Republic's embassy. Superlegalization is needed when there's no simpler international agreement, like the Hague Apostille Convention, which speeds up verification.
  • Apostille is a simplified form of authentication for public documents among countries that signed the Hague Convention. It means documents like birth certificates, marriage certificates, and court decisions issued in one of these countries are recognized internationally without needing additional verification abroad. Apostille involves just one verification by an authorized authority in the document's issuing country, making it simpler than traditional superlegalization.

Who decides on nostrification?

Public universities: They decide on most applications. Each university decides on programmes that are similar to those it offers itself.

Ministry of Defence(MO): If you have studied in the field of military.

Ministry of the Interior (MV) If you have studied in the field of security services.

Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MŠMT): It is an appeal body if your application has been rejected. It can also decide if there is no school with a similar programme in the Czech Republic.

What else do you need to know?

- Fee: There is a fee of CZK 3,000 for filing an application.

- Length of procedure: The decision should be issued within 30 days of filing the application. The deadline can be extended by another 30 days if the process is more complicated.

- Appeal: If your application is rejected, you can appeal within 15 days. If it is a rejection from the Ministry of Defence or the Interior, the relevant minister decides.


How to approach nostrification – Step by step

  1. Research and Preparation:
    • Identify which Czech public university or ministry handles nostrification for your field of study (e.g., general education, military, security).
    • Gather necessary documents: Original or certified copy of your diploma, Diploma Supplement (if available), power of attorney if applicable, and proof of name change (e.g., marriage certificate).
  2. Document Verification:
    • Check if your documents need higher-level verification like superlegalization or apostille based on the country where your diploma was issued.
  3. Application Submission:
    • Submit your application physically (by post) or electronically (with a certified electronic signature) to the designated university or ministry.
    • Include the required documents and pay the application fee (typically 3000 CZK).
  4. Processing and Decision:
    • Expect a decision within 30 days from submission. This may extend to 60 days for complex cases.
  5. Appeals Process:
    • If your application is rejected, you can appeal within 15 days. The Ministry of Education handles appeals.
  6. Special Cases:
    • If you have international protection (e.g., asylum), some documents can be replaced with a statutory declaration.
    • Follow any bilateral agreements between the Czech Republic and your country regarding education recognition.
  7. Contact for Support:

Following these steps will help ensure that your foreign diploma is officially recognized in the Czech Republic, facilitating further studies or employment opportunities.

Special cases

- International protection: If you have international protection (e.g. asylum), you can replace some documents with a declaration on honour.

- Bilateral agreements: If the Czech Republic has concluded an agreement with your country on the recognition of education, this agreement is followed.

Filing the application

- In writing: Documents sent by post to the address of the selected school or ministry.

- Electronically: Documents sent to a data box or electronic mailroom with a verified electronic signature.

The nostrification process ensures that your foreign education is recognized in the Czech Republic, and you can use it for further study or work. If you have questions or need more information, you can contact the relevant public university or ministry.

Instructions for applicants for nostrification from Ukraine

Ukrainian Diplomas Issued Until February 27, 2000

If you have a Ukrainian diploma issued between June 6, 1972 and February 27, 2000, the “Protocol on the Equivalence of Documents on Education, Scientific Degrees and Degrees” applies to you. This protocol ensures that diplomas from this period are automatically recognised as equivalent to Czech diplomas, without the need for nostrification. The protocol was in force until 28 February 2000.

Ukrainian education with incomplete documents

If you do not have all the necessary educational documents, you can replace them with a declaration of honour:

1. Missing diploma: In the declaration of honour, indicate the name of the school, the location of the school, the type of diploma (bachelor's, master's, etc.), the name of the programme of study, the date or year of the diploma and other relevant information.

2. Missing Diploma Supplement: In the declaration of honour, indicate the name of the school, the headquarters of the school, the place of study, the level of education attained, the name of the programme of study, the period of study, the list of courses completed, information on the practice, the content of the final exams and theses and other relevant information.


For applicants with temporary protection or a special visa

If you have temporary protection or a special visa issued by the Ministry of the Interior or the Police of the Czech Republic, you can replace the missing documents with an affidavit. The application shall be accompanied by a signed and dated copy of the temporary protection document.

Fee exemption

Temporary protection holders are exempt from the nostrification fee. A copy of the temporary protection document shall accompany the application. This exemption shall apply to applications submitted until 31 August 2024.

Applicants for university studies

Applicants with temporary protection can apply to a university with institutional accreditation for an assessment of their education for the purposes of the admission procedure. In this case, no nostrification certificate is required. Ask the specific university directly about the conditions of the admission procedure.



For further information, please contact the Ministry of the Interior:

- Email:

- Nonstop phone number: +420 974 801 802
