In this article, you will learn:

- how to apply and enroll at a university in the Czech Republic,

- the process of entrance exams, the differences between public and private universities,  

- the conditions and fees associated with studying.

We will also provide an overview of study financing, including options for free study and scholarships, and offer useful links to lists of accredited universities and resources for further information.


Types of Universities in the Czech Republic

There are two main types of universities in the Czech Republic: public and private.

Public universities are primarily funded from public sources. Most study programs are free for students studying in the Czech language, provided they do not exceed the standard duration of study or are not enrolled in a second study program.

Notable public universities include:

  • Charles University in Prague
  • Masaryk University in Brno,
  • Palacký University in Olomouc
  • Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU)
  • Brno University of Technology (BUT)


Private universities are predominantly funded from their own sources, meaning that students pay tuition fees. The amount of tuition varies by institution and study program, ranging from several tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of Czech crowns per year. Well-known private universities include

  • Anglo-American University
  • University of Finance and Administration (VŠFS)
  • Metropolitan University Prague (MUP)


Study Financing

Study at public universities in the Czech language is generally free, provided the student does not exceed the standard duration of study (e.g., a bachelor's degree usually takes 3 years, a master's degree 2 years). Fees may be charged for extended studies, studies in a foreign language, or for a second study program.

Private universities fund their operations mainly from tuition fees, which vary by program and school. Some private universities offer various forms of financial support, such as scholarships for talented students, social scholarships, or grants.



Scholarships are an important source of financial support for students and are provided based on various criteria such as academic performance, social situation, sports achievements, and more.

Merit scholarships are awarded based on excellent academic results. The amount and conditions of the scholarship vary by school and faculty.

Social scholarships are intended for students from low-income families or those in difficult life situations. To be awarded a social scholarship, it is usually necessary to document the family's income and other relevant documents.

Accommodation scholarships are provided to students studying away from their permanent residence. They help cover accommodation costs in university dormitories or private apartments.

Special scholarships may be intended for students with specific needs, international students, or students with outstanding sports achievements. Some schools also provide scholarships to support study abroad programs such as Erasmus+.


Entrance Exams and Admission Conditions

Most public universities have entrance exams that may include written tests, interviews, or talent exams. Private universities often have less demanding admission processes, but entrance exams may still be required.

For bachelor's programs, successful completion of the high school exam (maturita) is generally required. For master's programs, a bachelor's degree is necessary, and doctoral studies require the completion of a master's program.


List of Universities

The list of all accredited universities can be found on this website: Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy (MŠMT) – The ministry for education, youth and sports.

For further information about the system of higher education in the Czech Republic, please visit these websites:

Study in Czech Republic


Enrolment in Studies

After successful admission, you will receive instructions for enrolment, which often takes place in person. During enrolment, you need to present the admission confirmation, secondary school-leaving certificate or diploma from the previous level of study, identification document, and other documents specified by the university. Enrolment may also include an orientation program or matriculation ceremony.


Useful Links

  • Erasmus+ Program: Provides financial support for study and work placements abroad.
  • Foundations and Trust Funds: Various foundations, such as the Open Society Fund Prague or The Kellner Family Foundation, offer scholarships and grants for students.

Each university has its own rules and funding options, so it is important to follow the information on the websites of the specific school and faculty.
