Adaptation and Integration Courses "Welcome to CZ"

Slovo 21, z. s.

Adaptation and Integration Courses "Welcome to CZ" logo
Last updated: 2/20/2024


The adaptation-integration courses (AIK) helps people understand their rights and duties in the Czech Republic, covering residence laws, education, employment, business, leisure, healthcare, and housing. It provides basic cultural knowledge and warns against common mistakes. For more information about the course contents, follow the link.

The integration course is compulsory for most residence permit holders, who received their permit after January 1, 2021.

Take a short quiz and find out if it concerns you. It will only take a few minutes, and you’ll need your biometric card for it.

How to Enroll for the Course?

To join an adaptation and integration course, you can:

  • Register on the website:
  • Pay a fee of CZK 1,500 and get a confirmation of payment.
  • Sign up for a specific course and get an email confirmation.

There are also private courses organized by legal entities – usually an employer with a significant number of foreign workers. In this case, the course is organized directly at the workplace. Before you order a course for the public, ask your employer about the possibility to organize a private course for you and your colleagues.

For the private course, you register on the same website, but the payment and course details are arranged by the legal entity.

Cost and Payment

The course costs CZK 1,500 for public courses and CZK 800 for private courses*. For public courses, you'll get a "variable symbol" after registering and need to pay into the Ministry’s bank account. Remember to use the variable symbol, or your payment won't be recognized. For private courses, the legal entity handles the payment and will contact you.

You'll get information about the course type, dates, and languages after paying for a public course or through the legal entity for a private course.

The legal entity who can organizes a private course is usually an employer with a significant number or foreign employees. You can ask your employer about the course.  

Course Contents

  • Czech Republic Basics: General information about the Czech Republic and the region where the course takes place.
  • Services for Foreigners: Local integration centers and non-profit organizations.
  • Law: Rights and duties of foreigners, stay reasons, extending permits, reporting changes, important contacts. This part helps avoid common errors.
  • Education: Czech language classes, learning for kids and adults, recognition of foreign education (nostrification), extra training.
  • Work: Different job types, contracts, job market rules, employee rights.
  • Business: Starting and running a business.
  • Free Time: National holidays, transport, mail, cultural advice.
  • Healthcare: Finding doctors, urgent and regular health care, emergency rooms, insurance.
  • Housing: Dealing with the Asylum and Migration Policy Department, service fees, rental agreements.
  • Culture: Local customs, traditions, rules, and behavior (shown in a short film).

The 4-hour course includes information on local services for foreigners and important contacts but doesn't offer individual counseling. Participants get contacts for further assistance.

Who Needs to Take This Course?

The integration course is a must for people who have different kinds of stay permits in the Czech Republic. This includes people with:

  • Long-term stay permits.
  • Long-term stay permits changed for a different reason.
  • Long-term stay permits for humanitarian reasons, like spouses of asylum seekers, their children, and former Czech citizens.
  • Permanent stay permits for special reasons or benefits to the Czech Republic.
  • Permanent stay permits for children of foreigners for family reunion.
  • Permanent stay permits given again after losing it for being away too long.
  • Permanent stay permits after living in the Czech Republic for four years and finishing international protection.

These rules are for permits given after January 1, 2021.

Who Doesn't Need to Take This Course?

The course is not needed for:

  • People from the EU, their families, and families of Czech citizens.
  • People with specific Czech stay permits for studying, protection, investment, or given by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • People with Intra-Company Employee Transfer Cards.
  • People younger than 15 or older than 61 when they get their stay permit.
  • People who already did this course after January 1, 2021.
  • People with special work permits under the “Highly Skilled Employee” and “Key and Scientific Personnel” programs.


  • Ukrainian
  • Russian
  • English
  • Czech
  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • Vietnamese
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Serbian
  • Mongolian

Opening hours:

  • Monday: 10:00 – 17:00
  • Tuesday: 10:00 – 17:00
  • Wednesday: 10:00 – 17:00
  • Thursday: 10:00 – 17:00
  • Friday: 10:00 – 17:00
  • Saturday: closed
  • Sunday: closed

Accessibility and Additional Information:

  • The service is available to everyone.
  • Closed on public holidays.
  • The service is paid (1,500 CZK / 800 CZK).
  • Prior appointment is required.



The service is available throughout the Czech Republic.
