In this article you’ll find information about applying your children to high school education, specifically if you missed the first round of applications or your child has not passed the tests in the first round.


The first round of applications finished on 20th February. The second round of applications is created specifically for those who have not passed in the first round or missed the applications.

If you have not applied in the first round, you can apply in the second round only to schools that do not finish with the final state exam (maturita) – that means vocational schools.

If you have applied in the first round, the school always has to take into account the results of the unified entrance examination from the first round in the second round (with a minimum influence of 60%, or 40% for grammar schools with sports preparation).

Important dates

  • May 20 – publication of the list of schools that announce a second round of applications, alongside with the information about the capacity of individual branches of study
  • May 24 – deadline for applications
  • June 8 – 12 – talent and school entry exams
  • June 21 – results of exams

The school exams are taking place in the school you are applying for.

For the second round you can:

  • Create up to 3 applications to schools without talent exams
  • Create up to 2 applications to schools with talent exams

How to apply?

  • Electronically – with electronic identity NIA (you can find information about this in our article about electronic communication) through  this website:
  • By submitting a printout from the online system
    • You fill out the application online without logging in. You add all the attachments necessary. You print it out from the system, sign it, and deliver it to your chosen school (by post, in person, or through a data mailbox – you can find our dedicated article about this type of communication here)
  • By submitting a completed form with attachments
    • You fill out the paper application form and deliver it to the chosen school. You have to bring all the attachments with the application.

You have to choose only one of these options – you cannot apply multiple times.

Important changes

  • It is necessary to submit the medical certificate as a separate attachment to the application (it is not part of the application itself as it used to be). Take caution because the medical certificate must contain the correct code of the field(s) of education you are applying for.
  • This year it is required for applicants to specify the priority of your chosen schools:
    • Put your most desired field of study in the chosen school to the first place
    • On the second place, put the field of study you’d like to be accepted to if you are not accepted to your first choice
    • On the third place, put a field of study that you’d like to attend if you’re not accepted to your first or second choice

You can find all this information and more on this website (in Ukrainian).

Requirements for foreigners

If your child’s level of Czech language is not sufficient, they are eligible for free Czech preparation classes. It is advisable to visit one of the education advisor centres (you can find one in your region here) before applying for secondary education. The only requirement for these classes is that your child needs to be fulfilling the compulsory school attendance.

You can find the application for the preparation class here (in Czech and Ukrainian).

If your child is older than 15 and wants to attend secondary school in the Czech Republic – you can find the information here (in Ukrainian).


