In this article, you will find information about partnership for same-sex couples. You will find the description of partnership, what new rights it ensures and information about adoption.

As of January 1 2025, there are changes regarding same-sex couples that wish to enter a permanent union. Until now, same-sex couples could enter a registered partnership – you can read about that in our dedicated article. Partnership brings more rights for same-sex couples than a registered partnership but it is still not on the same level as marriage.

What is partnership?

People who enter a partnership should be under the same rules as people who enter a marriage. The exception is when it comes to adopting children (more below). The Civil Code describes partnership only as an alliance of two same-sex people that is entered the same way as marriage. If the law or different law regulation does not state differently, a partnership has the same rights and obligations as a marriage.

What rights does a partnership ensure?

The rights that partnership includes are:

  • Entering a partnership the same way as marriage,
  • Two days off work to enter the partnership,
  • The possibility to have joint assets,
  • The possibility to share last name,
  • Widow’s pension in case of one partner’s death

If you and your partner are in a registered partnership, the registered partnership stays as it was. However, it is not possible to enter new registered partnerships in the form we knew until now.

If you are in a registered partnership and wish to enter partnership, you do not need to cancel your registered partnership but you do need to enter into partnership.

If you are in a registered partnership, you do not automatically have the rights the partnership brings.

What are the rights regarding adoption?

  • In case of mutual adoption, people who are in a partnership cannot adopt children together.
  • Stepchild adoptions are allowed – this means that one partner can adopt the child of the other partner.
  • Partners can become foster parents together.
